How do you know if you have Severe Anxiety?

You may say that you are just tired or stressed because you had a hard day, but what happens when this lasts longer than it should, because it is not normal that you are always exhausted or tense. It is possible that you are presenting symptoms of severe anxiety and you do not know it yet. However,  do not be alarmed. We want to help you understand what is happening  so that you can start working on the solution and seek the necessary professional help, if necessary.

You are not the only one.

Let’s talk statistics: for the year 2019 according to the World Health Organization, more than 264 million inhabitants around the world had severe anxiety. This high figure makes it one of the most important pathologies today. The advantage is that there are many specialists who can help with the appropriate treatment for each type of case as each situation is different, comes from different causes and stimuli, and according to each person, the severe anxiety generates different consequences.

The common factors.

What is similar are the symptoms that occur and it is what we want you to be able to evaluate today, be it your case or that of a family member or friend. Therefore, check out the common symptoms below that exists with a person who demonstrates high anxiety:

* Constant stress
* Fatigue
* Fast heartbeat
* Lack of concentration.
* Preoccupation with the same situation over  and over again
* Excessive or unusual sweating.
* Body tremors
* Heavy breathing
* Fear
* Isolation and avoidance of situations or people

As you may have noticed, severe anxiety does not only appear with physical reactions, it also includes thoughts, emotions, attitude towards situations and we will add constant repetitive movements – the most common being that of the leg.

If you present with many of these symptoms with great frequency and intensity, it is very likely that you have severe anxiety. It is helpful  to seek out professional help to prevent and rule out, than to let the anxiety advance.

Our suggestion: Try not to take over-the-counter medications or certain tranquilizers, but seek professional help first as sometimes underlying causes of another kind can be developing because of severe anxiety. If something like this happens to you, knowing what is happening to you will put you on the path to a solution.

Don’t have a therapist? Contact us at At Matters Of The Mind Vaultage we believe that if the mind heals, the body will follow. 

Anabel Briceño
Brand Advisor and Copywriter for M.O.T.M.V.