Remove the clutter and make your life essential!

If you ask, you will find that people have different outlooks to the word clutter. 

Some have an aversion to clutter. Others operate within an organized chaos. There are different tolerance levels to clutter. However, we’re sure that even though we all look at clutter differently, there comes a point when too much is too much. 

Have you stopped to consider the clutter in your work schedule? Or in your meal prep or lack thereof? Have you ever considered there may be clutter in your daily routines to life?

When things are cluttered, it means that things are crowded. When things are crowded, it means that there is little room for movement. 

If your life’s’ routine is cluttered with things that cause you extra energy that you don’t have to spare, than your movements are being restricted towards the things that need maximum effort. 

Learning the art of essentialism helps us declutter our lives and focus only on the things that we can give maximum effort every time we engage it. 

Yes…yes…we know that may sound impossible. However, things become possible and probable when….

1. We give it the effort it deserves and

2. When we are intentional. 

Here are some things that will help you be essential:

1. Stop multitasking 😤! – Multitasking is a myth. 

2. Live in the moment.

3. Get enough sleep. – 8 hours is recommended.

4. Say no more! 

Also, Greg McKeown’s book Essentialism is a great resource to learn the art of Essentialism. 

Listen, if you took this read seriously and you want to make changes in decluttering your routines and become more essential, than we admonish you to go after it! We also encourage you to be diligent, and also give yourself grace – because time takes time. You have to adjust to your new essential lifestyle. But we promise you, you’ll love the end results! 

So will you give the art of essentialism a shot?
Share these concepts of essentialism with someone that it can benefit.

Written by: Q. Edmonds
M.O.T.M.V. StoryTeller